Friday, June 13, 2008

Guess who's back?

You do not know how lucky you are. I was so close (read: not very close) to quitting poker altogether. I had serious (completely serious) plans of becoming a chef so I could be exactly like that Ralph Pagano guy (except for the being from New York part. Fuck New York. I hate New York.). That guy is a fucking badass. Anyways, to avoid going off on a tangent*, I'm going to focus your attention on me. I'm awesome. I play poker, too, as you will see in future posts. As for now, just remember this: the man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you, son? Which one are you? (That's from a Nike commercial btw.)

If you are new to reading my blog posts (or if you have the Down's), I will be ranting about a lot of shit. I will also use naughty language. If you have a 13 year old daughter, do not let her read this blog (18 year old daughter = ship the phone number plz imo). I will rant about things that seem irrelevant. I will use vernacular unbeknownst to 98% of English speakers. I will seem ridiculous and insane at times. You will see flashes of my personal life, of my poker "career,"and of titties. (QFTitties.)

Prepare yourselves, suckas.

Vanq out for now.

*tangent = sin/cos


WVHillbilly said...

Ummmm...yeah, I heard there were going to be titties???

Nothing like a math joke to kick things off. Great stuff. Poast more.

Linked BTW.

tenbob said...

Oh your back blogging :)

Crosslink added Sir........

Curtis Jones said...

Lol your nuts, can't wait for future postings :)

Anonymous said...

98% of English speakers, hm? i bet that would include russian, i can't seem to think of anything else.

but that's fine with me, so ha! ;)

Entiteit said...

Yeah vanq is black .. I mean back!

Got tired of clicking your old blog anyway since you lost the password or some such :)

Keep posting this time and make a post it with your password or tatoo it on your left titty or something!

Unknown said...

You made me look up "vernacular." Oh, the irony. :(